Time to go Clubbing!

Ok, I will start out by saying no, this is not about going to the club with friends and getting drinks. Instead, this is about JOINING COLLEGE CLUBS!!! Being part of one myself I find it to be very beneficial for my major and has helped me to get better at my major. So, I decided to do a little story talking about club involvement!!!!

Break out the Skates!

After how cold it was this past week, it felt as if you should be able to go skate out on the rivers. The Rink at PPG will be returning for another year of fun! Having been there myself, I can tell you that it is A BLAST! If you don’t want to take my word for it, have a listen to Visit Pittsburgh’s video about it.

Now as you can see there it is a fun time for all to go to such a wintery wonderland. This makes for a great place to take someone on a date, go as friends, or if you family is from out of town you can go there as well. All in all this a great place to go for just about anyone. I have always had fun there and would hope that you enjoy it as well. Hey, who knows, maybe I’ll pass you the next time I’m there!


Events for November!

Well, you all did tell me that you wanted more events, SO HERE THERE ARE!!!!! For the month of November, Downtown Pittsburgh has a great list of events for the month of November in Pittsburgh.


Courtesy: wikitravel.org

Courtesy: wikitravel.org


The city that has so much to offer gives you more events during the most wonderful time of the year!! With this being such a great time to be doing stuff in the city that link will give you a great way to enjoy the holiday season.

One of the big events is The Annual Light Up Night in which the city of Pittsburgh turns on the holiday lights for the first time in the season. Other events include: dancers, sporting events, and concerts. So there is an event for EVERYONE! This makes it so everyone has a great event for them to enjoy. Pittsburgh is able to once again be the great area that generates event for anyone and everyone!

The month of November will be a very busy time and a great fun month for anyone that is in the City of Pittsburgh and wants stuff to do!!!!

Yeah, This City is That Good!

And once again here is more proof that the City of Pittsburgh should be called the most liveable city in America.

In just 3 and half minutes, this video shows EVERYTHING THE CITY HAS TO OFFER! I’ve been saying it on here for the semester now and this video just backs it up. Pittsburgh is a very diverse area that has many things to offer and in last 15 years or so has become one of the GREAT SMALL CITIES IN THE COUNTRY. (I might have a bias having lived here all my life.) If you take the time to watch this you will see what all this city has to offer.

You can see all the sites, and even testimony as to why this is such a great place to be and live. I stumbled upon this on Facebook and it just amazes me how many news videos and other things will come out supporting how this is such a wonderful city. (Makes my bias have some support behind it.) Yeah, I say how wonderful Pittsburgh is on here a lot, but at the heart of the matter, I have a lot of material to back my claim.

College Life at School!

Well, a big question is whether to live on campus or live at home. Personally I live on campus because I find it much better and school has a better atmosphere. Since I know there are other opinionsĀ for living on campus, I asked a couple other people why they chose to live on campus. Check it out.

Get that College Degree!

The city of Pittsburgh is a very rich with higher educational establishments. Many students make the journey to the Steel City for colleges every fall to get a higher education in a very rich in higher education. With all the higher educational establishments in the area, Pittsburgh is very accommodating to students as Pittsburgh is one of the best cities for college students in the country. Here’s a nice little slideshow to talk to you about colleges in theĀ Greater Pittsburgh Area.

Hollywood of the East

Pittsburgh is becoming the new Hollywood. The latest movie to be filmed in the Steel City start Vin Diesel and Elijah Wood. (I have a nice view of the filming because I get to walk past it everyday) It may bring the hassle of traffic, but in the end this is something that I feel is great for the area because it puts Pittsburgh in the national spotlight. Now this is just one of many examples of movies that are being filmed just this year! Now some other famous movies to make an appearance in the Steel City include:

The Dark Knight Rises
Inspector GadgetSlapshot
Night of the Living Dead
She’s Out of My League

And the list goes on with several more movies that have brought the City of Pittsburgh on to the silver screen for viewers all over the country. Now here’s a video that montages some of the major movies to grace the Steel City by filming here.

Now after you watch that, you can see why movies keep coming back. Pittsburgh is a great place to film and makes for a great backdrop. Whether it is the city, neighborhoods, or one of the many sports venues, Pittsburgh will not disappoint on the big screen!

A Town Settled in the Foothills of the Ohio Valley

The City of Pittsburgh has been around for over 25o years now. The city has seen ups and downs and plenty of history. It has gone from everything from being the center point of the French and Indian War to be the Steel making leader of the world. Here’s a little taste of everything the steel city has seen by clicking on picture.


And the People have Spoken!

So earlier this week, I asked you to take a survey for me so I can have some feedback of what your situations and stuff you want to see on my blog. So I you are all very excited to see what I have in store for YOU!



After look at the graph for this category I could see that my demographic among the genders is about 50/50. So now I know about when I post things that I should try to appeal to both genders.

Class Year

Class Year

To be honest, this one did not surprise me too much because since I posted this on Facebook and Twitter, and many of the people who are friends or followers of me are seniors I was not surprised to see this. I also find this to be good information because then I can try to have potential job openings in area posted on here. Let’s be real, you are in college to get a job.

Where do you live?

Where do you live?

Now what I got out of this information is that I should probably include on campus activities on my blog because many of you live on campus (I’m right there with you I can’t afford to live off campus) For many students there is a campus activities board which is there to make your on campus stay one that you won’t forget.

Bang for Buck

Bang for Buck

Can’t really say I am surprised with this result, but it is still helpful nonetheless. I see that as expected for following my blog that you want to get every bit of your dollar used (I feel the same way too!). I have made some posts in the past that do look at getting the most for your dollar like this one that talked about discount tickets.

Free Event Posts

Free Event Posts

OK! I get it, you want to see more free events on here, and that is 100% understandable. I know we all have a tight budget, so I will try to make sure that I get more out there about the freebies in Pittsburgh.