Hollywood of the East

Pittsburgh is becoming the new Hollywood. The latest movie to be filmed in the Steel City start Vin Diesel and Elijah Wood. (I have a nice view of the filming because I get to walk past it everyday) It may bring the hassle of traffic, but in the end this is something that I feel is great for the area because it puts Pittsburgh in the national spotlight. Now this is just one of many examples of movies that are being filmed just this year! Now some other famous movies to make an appearance in the Steel City include:

The Dark Knight Rises
Inspector GadgetSlapshot
Night of the Living Dead
She’s Out of My League

And the list goes on with several more movies that have brought the City of Pittsburgh on to the silver screen for viewers all over the country. Now here’s a video that montages some of the major movies to grace the Steel City by filming here.

Now after you watch that, you can see why movies keep coming back. Pittsburgh is a great place to film and makes for a great backdrop. Whether it is the city, neighborhoods, or one of the many sports venues, Pittsburgh will not disappoint on the big screen!

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